2021 – Return to Training Protocol
To all members,
Swinford Boxing Club are continually assessing the ongoing regulations and guidance as we work on a plan to return to training for the 2021/2022 season. Below are the minimum measures, which Swinford Boxing Club will be taking in response to the Covid-19 pandemic to safeguard all our members and the general public, as we return to training for the 2021/2022 season. The information below will be updated from time to time and members will be advised to check the updated information.
Before opening we will:
- appoint assigned COVID-19 Officers and form a committee responsible for managing issues and queries relating to the Covid-19 pandemic.
- complete a Covid-19 club Risk Assessment
- perform a review of the club to ensure we can comply with all protocols including social distancing. This will limit the number of members we can have in the gym
- ensure that sufficient HSE Covid-19 information Posters are in place in the gym
- ensure the availability of hand washing stations, alcohol- based hand gel and hygiene facilities at multiple locations in the gym.
- complete a club declaration form and return to the IABA.
- collect and make available if requested a record of the contact details for all members as required by the HSE
- remove all non-essential furniture to prevent congregation.
- remove all bins, as all rubbish must be taken home by members to prevent contamination
- allocate all members to “pods” of 6 people. Assign coaches to pods as appropriate. Members assigned to a pod will not be permitted to interact with members assigned to other pods before, during and or after training sessions. The primary purpose of the pod system is to minimise the interactions and transmission of Covid-19 between people.
To attend training members MUST NOT
- have been in close contact someone with symptoms of Covid-19 in the last 14 days.
- be in a period of self-isolation and/or cocooning under the current Health Policy Rules.
- be displaying Covid-19 symptoms.
- travel with someone from outside of their immediate family and should only travel with one/parent or guardian where possible
To Train…
- Sessions will be limited to 45 minutes and there will be 30 minutes between training sessions for members to exit and enter without interaction and for gym deep cleaning.
- a Covid-19 club questionnaire MUST be completed by all members for each session. Members will be required to provide the completed form to the club for each session. Members who have not completed the relevant documentation cannot attend sessions.
- Members must have signed the members declaration form and have completed a Covid-19 club questionnaire.
- Social distancing will be adhered to, at all times
- members must bring all their own equipment. This includes gloves, headguards, wraps, protection, skipping ropes, towels and water bottles etc. This equipment will be sanitised regularly throughout the session and cannot be shared with another member under any circumstances
- members should bring a small bottle of hand sanitizer and antiseptic wipes with them
- members must not congregate at any time therefore should arrive at the gym as close to session start time as possible and leave as close to finish time as possible.
- members should arrive ready to train as there will be no access to changing rooms during this phase
- the gym will be open to members only. No parents, guardians or others will be permitted inside the club doors.
- members will be allocated to a Pod which will include a maximum of 6 people. Members will remain in this Pod and will train, spar / school spar with only members of their own pod for the duration of the season. 3 metres distance will be maintained between pods
- members will be encouraged to use toilet facilities in their own home prior to arriving at the club. Club toilet facilities will have restricted access. We must adhere to strict cleaning protocols between uses.
- we must maintain an accurate digital record of who is present during training sessions and payment for sessions will now be taken monthly on a specific date to minimise the handling of money. Direct debit will also be available.
To do pad work
- We MUST conduct a risk assessment.
- Coaches MUST wear appropriate PPE – face shield or mask and googles and a protective apron over their clothes.
- Coaches MUST wipe down their face shield with disinfectant wipes or dispose of their mask and googles after every individual pad session.
For sparring or school sparring
- Sparring/school sparring can only be conducted amongst members of the same training Pod throughout the entire season.
- Sparring Sessions will only take place on specific days/times to enable only one pod to be in the gym at that time.
- Sparring sessions will be restricted to a maximum time limit of 12 minutes
- Only two members will be in the ring at any one time.
- Boxers will insert and remove their own gumshield.
- Coaches will maintain a social distance of 2 meters from members during sparring.
- Coaches MUST wear a face mask during sparring sessions.
- During rest breaks, or when listening to instructions etc. members will adhere to social distancing practices and other public health measures- hand hygiene, cough/ sneeze etiquette etc.
After training
- If a member becomes unwell after training, they should first contact their GP/HSE/NHS and then inform us. We will then follow advice provided by the HSE on the next steps.
For competition
- Only parents / guardians may transport boxers to competition. This includes travel to National Championships, should members qualify, usually held at the National Stadium in Dublin
- Only members from the same immediate family may travel together
- The club will only travel to competition where we believe the appropriate measures are in place to protect our members